Monday, April 18, 2011

Quartz.NET 2.0 is available!

There is a second release of Quart.Net called Quart.Net 2.0. It's still in the beta stage, but it's a big step up from version 1.0.3. It has support for Generics and much more. Check it out here. For those who are github savvy you can find it at

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quartz.NET is available on NuGet

The Quartz.Net library has been uploaded to NuGet. If you’re using Quartz.Net and NuGet, this should help you with setting up your environment and in keeping things current. The Common.Logging and the Common.Logging.Log4net and Log4net libraries are on NuGet as well. These are all required dependencies for running Quartz.Net with Log4net.